
Wednesday, 20 May 2020

How I feel about be back at school

Today I am going to tell you about how i feel about being back at school i feel happy because i get to see my friends and get to play with them again and at school its more funer to be at school then be at home all day and do nothing but school is a bit diffrent because we have to be 1 metre apart and when we go sit down on the mat we all have numbers im number 30 so i have to sit where that number is on the mat and all the numbers are 1metre apart from everyone and we have buddys that we sit will at a table  THANKS FOR READING BYE

Friday, 6 March 2020

Friday Tennis

Hi bloggers, today I'm going to blog about tennis.
What we did at tennis: first we all get a ball each and had to put the ball on the racket and bounce the ball on the ground then catch it
with the racket without it falling off we did that for a few minutes.
Then we were put into groups, like group 1 and group 2 and group 2 had to go over the other side of the net and we would hit the ball to each other from across the net. Then after that we hit it on the wall, back and forward to ourselfves. After that we packed up and walked back to school.
We did tennis at my old school so I knew what to do.

Have you played tennis before?

Tuesday, 25 February 2020


Today I am going to blog about Manual and tell you what we did. today at manual we had to learn about how to make plastic botlles they were like these little tubes and there was this machine that the little tubes sat in then they would go through a really hot heater and it would make the tubes exspaned bigger and then it would go in to this other machine and moled them in to a botlle. then after that we had to make a drawing and once we drawed a drawing we had to measure how big we wanted it.

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Monday, 24 February 2020

A fun rimu 2020 swimming

Hi today im am  blogging about rimu swimming

last wensday we were swimming with life vests on and we had to go on a boat in the pool
and help pepeole on the boat from out of the water then when everyone was on the boat we had to
go off backwords one at a time once we did that the instructor fliped the boat upside down and we had to go under the boat one at a time it was very fun. thank you for reading my story by
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